Douglas A Winship
Douglas Winship
Assorted Photography
Roundup page of all things Doug on the Web
Killing Time, murder consultants
— Custom murder mystery parties for private groups of 16-30 adults. We use no actors, the guests play all the roles, even including the murderer and victim.
The Pegu Blog
— "A blog about Pegus and other assorted ramblings on the cocktail life." Cocktail recipes, spirits and bar reviews, politics, culture, and humor.
Doug Winship on Facebook
— Doug Winship maintains a FaceBook account, but don't expect me to check it too often.
Doug Winship on Twitter
— Doug Winship is usually pretty active on Twitter.
Doug Winship on LinkedIn
— Doug Winship is on LinkedIn, but seldom very active.
Doug Winship on Google+
— Douglas Winship hasn't done much with Google+ yet.
Doug Winship on YouTube
— Doug Winship doesn't produce many videos, but he has good taste in favorites.
Douglas A Winship